Battlefield Heroes Revive

четверг 16 апреляadmin

My name is Attila, I'm from Hungary. I think everybody could find out what my and i hope a lot of other people's destination is. It is to play the game again, but.

Pongo resume builder. (1906–1980), English footballer. ('Pongo Joe', 1861–1930), U.S. Manager in American Major League BaseballAnimals., the orangutans.

Since 2014, a group of volunteers going by the name Revive Network have been working to keep online game servers running for Battlefield 2, Battlefield 2142, and Battlefield Heroes. As of this week, the team is shutting down that effort thanks to a legal request from publisher Electronic Arts.

'We will get right to the point: Electronic Arts Inc.' legal team has contacted us and nicely asked us to stop distributing and using their intellectual property,' the Revive Network team writes in a note on their site. 'As diehard fans of the franchise, we will respect these stipulations.' Ordained meaning.

EA's older Battlefield titles were a victim of the 2014 GameSpy shutdown, which disabled the online infrastructure for plenty of classic PC and console games. To get around that, Revive was distributing modified versions of the older Battlefield titles along with a launcher that allowed access to its own, rewritten server infrastructure. The process started with Battlefield 2 in 2014 and expanded to Battlefield 2142 last year, and Battlefield Heroes a few month ago.

It's the distribution of modified copies of these now-defunct games that seems to have drawn the ire of EA's legal department. 'Please stop distributing copies of our game clients and using our trademarks, logos, and artwork on your sites,' EA's counsel writes in a note republished on the Revive website. 'Your websites may easily mislead visitors to believe that you are associated or affiliated with EA—we're the only ones that get to wear the 'Official EA' dog tag.'

Revive claimed over 900,000 registered accounts across its games, including nearly 175,000 players for the recently revived Battlefield Heroes.

EA's approach is the polar opposite to that of Disney, which recently worked with GOG to officially bring back online multiplayer support for classic Star Wars Battlefront 2. The move is more reminiscent of Blizzard, which has recently shut down numerous fan servers devoted to restoring classic versions of World of Warcraft as it existed a decade ago.In 2015, the Librarian of Congress denied a request by the EFF and others that would have allowed Revive's method of restoring online gameplay to 'abandoned' games under a DMCA exception. Game publishers and trade groups fought hard against that request, with ESA president Mike Gallagher arguing that 'there's no such thing as an obsolete game when you can revive it on any platform at any time' in an Ars interview. The Library of Congress can take up the issue again in 2018.


Battlefield heroes revive
  • 1 postsMember, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4, BattlefieldMember
    July 2, 2017 2:47PMedited July 2017
    one of the best games that ever existed in this world.. i miss you BH BRING BACK EA WE WANT IT BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 8 postsMember, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4, Battlefield Hardline, BattlefieldMember
    at the revive heroes Forum and renegade line are download links for a playable offline tutorial Version of BFH, have fun
  • 7 postsMember, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4, BattlefieldMember
    July 5, 2017 12:12AMedited July 2017
    at the revive heroes Forum and renegade line are download links for a playable offline tutorial Version of BFH, have fun

    .and i heard that multiplayer should be online in 1-3 months if everything goes as planned! cant wait
  • 1 postsMember, Battlefield 3, Battlefield Hardline, Battlefield, Battlefield 1Member
    year lets get bf heroes
    love to play it
    also spent a lot of money
  • 2 postsMember, Battlefield 3, BattlefieldMember
    I just chatted with the EA chat about the resurrection of Battlefield Heroes and if this was possible. They answered that it could be possible, but could not 100% confirm it. All I needed to do was to make a post about it on the official forums and then EA would pick up on it if it got enough supporters. I know that a lot of players miss this game and I am one of them. This game was my gaming childhood and I had so much fun with it. This is the chance to save Battlefield Heroes. Show your support and make this fun and entertaining game come back!

    I hope the game comes back, I loved it
    It was my childhood and my favourite game back then, so I hope EA decides to bring it back
  • 4 postsMember, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4, BattlefieldMember
  • 3 postsMember, Battlefield 4, Battlefield, Battlefield 1Member
    Guys! Check out or this are 2 groups of devs that are working on bringing BFH back! They have already released the client and you can play the tutorial mode! so for more info visit those sites!
  • 2 postsMember, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4, Battlefield, Battlefield 1Member
    Bring back battlefield 2142

    The guys at Revive already have a few BF2142 servers and are decently populated.
    But man, I miss Battlefield Heroes, hope that they can keep BFH alive for us
  • 1 postsMember, Battlefield 3, BattlefieldMember
    Soy exjugador de Battlefield Heroes, que decir al respecto sobre uno de los mejores juegos que he tenido la oportunidad de probar y llegar a ser fanático. He buscado mucho intentando calmar las ansias de jugar a un juego similar y de echo no lo hay, nunca lo habrá, porque battlefield heroes es brillante, la mezcla de humor animado y shooter lo hacen perfecto, hay que ser muy tonto para no darse cuenta de lo grande que es un juego así. Hablamos de entretenimiento y amistades a gran escala. Amantes de Battlefield heroes por siempre. Battlefield 1 y sus sagas? Demasiado serio para mi gusto, prefiero reír y hacer el tonto con amigos, pues es mas placentero. Spanishman y SantoAsturiano siempre serán mis heroes favoritos
  • 4 postsMember, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4, BattlefieldMember
    Battlefield2142. Baya bro I agree with your comments on the game even though I'm a bf2142 player I guess where cousins in law in the bf family
  • 4 postsMember, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4, BattlefieldMember
    Would any know why there are no unlocks being given out with our progress in the game. I love the game but the rewards is why we play.
  • 1 postsMember, Battlefield 4, Battlefield, Battlefield 1Member
  • 8 postsMember, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4, Battlefield Hardline, BattlefieldMember
    Battlefield Heroes (Multiplayer) is playable since a few days at .. if u need more informations or instructions, join the revive Network at discord. Or you can also just ask me.
  • 3 postsMember, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4, Battlefield Hardline, BattlefieldMember
  • 6059 postsMember, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4, Battlefield Hardline, Battlefield, Battlefield 1, CTE, BF1IncursionsAlpha, Battlefield VMember

    That's a typical corporate desicion for you. They can't or simply don't want to revive something themselves but close every single community effort to do that instead.
  • 3 postsMember, Battlefield 4, Battlefield Hardline, Battlefield, Battlefield 1Member

    EA spoiled the joy of the fans one more time.
  • 8 postsMember, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4, Battlefield Hardline, BattlefieldMember
    And it’s not only BF Heroes. Revive had also projects with BF 2 and BF 2142 since 3,5 years with a big playerbase already. Now it explode and they got almost a million registered users. I can’t understand why EA always choose that way and not the way what the fans and players will make happy. Many players are disappointed and angry now again. What it gives EA now? Why they want that bad reputation? They force to close and give the players no chance, like 2015. We are angry EA we bring our money to blizzard and play Overwatch. GG WP
  • 12301 postsMember, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4, Battlefield Hardline, Battlefield, Battlefield 1, CTE, Battlefield VMember
    We are angry EA we bring our money to blizzard and play Overwatch. GG WP

    This is the purest example of irony, considering a year ago Blizzard shut down the most popular vanilla World of Warcraft private server in the world for the same reasons EA shut down Revive.
  • 1 postsMember, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4, BattlefieldMember
    October 27, 2017 4:43PMedited October 2017
    When Battlefield Heroes was closed I found I had a lot of free time to look around to find an alternative to this smashing EA game. It didn't take long for me to realise there was nothing, absolutely nothing compared.
    I was extremely angry that the game I had put plenty cash into, and used as a valuable introduction to my sons online gaming was gone . He then went on to spent hundreds, far exceeding my own spending on Battlefield Heroes. I know I wasn't the only one in this situation and probably wondering also, well if EA act in this manner do I really want to commit to spending as much in their games in future? I have found that it has affected how I rate how EA really feels about their gaming communities.
    I think their is an opportunity for EA to bring back Battlefield Heroes, not just for us the community but also for them to make the game better and make more money out of it.
    There are plenty of players still want to play this game and it is a great game to draw new potential players into the gaming experience meaning more customers for EA to buy even more items in BF heroes and other titles in the EA catalogue:)
    Bring this game back please EA, and when u release it you put a new T-Shirt in the game store saying something like 'I played BF Heroes before it closed..and now I'm back for more' and see how many copies of that bad boy sell
  • 1 postsMember, Battlefield 4, Battlefield, Battlefield 1Member
    I would LOOOOOVE if theyll revive Battlefield heroes. I miss it, and it would be the best christmas present, if theyll revive it. I hope for the best. Keep supporting this guys, we all want it back anyways